But another family was reviewing his file. This seemed to be the typical response when requesting information on children listed on Rainbowkids.com, but thankfully, he was listed with an agency that partners with Heaven Sent Children and I knew the caseworker. Two weeks later, she called and asked me if I wanted to review his file. "He is yours, if you want him," she said. I was done at that point. Of course I wanted him. I printed out his file and brought it home. Brian's response? "He's really cute! But he's a boy." hummmm You may be asking why Brian was so opposed to a boy at the time. First, I think he knew what being a daddy to a little girl was like, and he was in love with his daughter from the moment we met her. His whole world shifted to revolve around her when she was placed in our arms. Second, Brian is not a sports enthusiast, and was very concerned that he would not be a good father to a boy. Yeah, I know, that's crazy - he's a karate student and an avid hunter, nothing boyish there. But mostly, I think, he had it in his mind that our next child would be a girl, and he had a very difficult time wrapping his mind around a boy. It took him about a week, but one night at church, he wrote a note to me that said, "Let's say yes to Il Woo (Noah's name at the time)." Elated, I did not sleep that night, and driving to work the next morning, it is amazing that I did not run anyone over - I wanted to get there as soon as I could to call our partnering agency to say, "We want him. He's OURS." I got the words out, and walked on air the rest of that day. I had a SON! The next morning, I showed his picture to Sophia and told her that he would be her brother, and we would travel to Korea for him. She said, "I knew I would have a brother. God told me in my heart that I would have a brother." Why didn't we just listen to her to begin with? Coincidentally, my son was available for international adoption on September 9, 2007, the same day we began our homestudy.
It is my belief now that Noah was God's plan for our family from the beginning. He was born April 29, 2007 and that is around the time I felt the call to adopt again. I began praying that if it was God's will, He would touch Brian's heart. It was the end of July when Brian's heart started changing - which is also when Noah was moved out of the baby hospital and moved to a foster family. It was the end of August when we applied to start the homestudy and September 9 our homestudy began. We decided to move in December 2007, and sold our house - in a declining market - in three weeks. Around the time we completed painting and settling into our new house, we found Noah. But most importantly, I know he was planned for us because of the way he completed my heart.
And Brian? How is he with a boy?

It's a God thing!